Find shutter speed < 1/1000 using the "dec" helper function ("dec" converts ShutterSpeed to a decimal value).
ShutterSpeed | Javascript Expression | dec(ShutterSpeed) < dec('1/1000') |
Find focal length > 150mm. FocalLength is returned from ExifTool in the following format: "155.0 mm". We must remove the " mm" to do the comparison.
FocalLength | Javascript Expression | parseInt(FocalLength) > 150.0 |
Show all images taken on this day in the past. This requires two expressions with "Match all of the following" checked. The first test guarantees the second Javascript expression doesn't execute if the image has no DateTimeOriginal tag.
DateTimeOriginal | Isn't | - |
DateTimeOriginal | Javascript Expression | var n = new Date();var d=convertDate(DateTimeOriginal);d.getDate() == n.getDate() && d.getMonth() == n.getMonth() |
<delegate decode="dcraw" command='"dcraw" -c -w "%i" > "%o"' />
<delegate decode="crw" command='"dcraw" -c -w "%i" > "%o"' />